Are you ready?
Are you ready?
Are you ready?
So welcome to the war!
Bow down before our masters
Supreme lords of disasters
They took away our pride
They have made us stride
The world is dying
Conscience pollution complying
We all fall in anger
Our cleansing need is eager for
War! War! War!
Load your gun and join the
War! War! War!
The sleeping giant sleeps no more!
For Christ and for the cross
For those who mourn the loss
For black gold and for vengeance
Last not least for annoyance
Too late to sedate
It sprouts the seed of hate
The masses are aroused
We all have espoused the
War! War! War!
The only answer now it's
War! War! War!
We will make them burn!
We wave the peace sails
Tearing prisoners' fingernails
We think all is under control
Hanging them on the gallows pole
Cluster bombs in profusion
Leading them to conclusion
Here is the final ploy
We are ready to enjoy the
War! War! War!
Export democracy and
War! War! War!
Ethnic cleansing, nothing more!
"There lies before us, if we choose,
continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom.
Shall we, instead, choose death, because
We cannot forget our quarrels?
We appeal as human beings to human beings:
Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.
If you can do so... a new Paradise;
If you cannot... the risk of universal death."
(The Russell-Einstein Manifesto, 1955)
Since fifty years
And something more
The risk is still alive
Recalling the history
The menace has grown through the centuries
Day by day and war after war
The dogs have found what they were looking for
Another sophisticated suicide machine
To chain mankind with the chains of fear
The risk is too high, the balance uneasy
We are just a foolish mind ahead
From universal death
For sure
Since fifty years
The risk is still alive
Beware! Our bombs are atomic!
Watch out! Our soldiers are bionic!
Something biological this way comes...
Woe to you mankind!
A weapon of mass destruction
Pointed at the head of humanity
Six thousands millions crucifixions
And we don't seem to be aware of this
Life liquefiers
Evolution terminus
Nanodeath based disaster
And we don't seem to be worried by this
For sure
Since fifty years
The risk is still alive
Beware! Our bombs are atomic!
Watch out! Our soldiers are bionic!
Something biological this way comes...
The wrong way of scientific research!
Trapped in my orbit
Onboard a lost ship
I am patiently waiting
For the end of my days
I am the evolution
Half man and half machine
They are the evilution
Mutant biologies
When I started
My nuclear assault
Something went wrong
Life again had found its way out
I am the evilution
Half man and half machine
They are the evolution
Mutant biologies
I'm responsible
Of their rise
That's not the future
I carefully planned
For the whole mankind
Mind controlled machines
Mutant bodies and telepathy
I've been disconnected
For the space
For the species
For who will come
I leave to you this warning
Do not land!
I have seen
Many things
Too much for a single being
Sole example of his breed
End of space
End of time
Multidimensional collapse
The final day of my life
This is the end of everything!
Sons and daughters
Of history's top wealth
They aim to nothing
They cannot comprehend
Amongst them I ask to myself
Is this what the world deserve?
Human seed thrown in vain
D-generation creeps
D-generation creeps
A lack of comprehension
A misuse of opulence
On top of a tower
Made of human arms and heads
They don't care of their fathers' shreads
D-generation creeps
Degenerated creeps
D-generation creeps - The new world order
D-generation creeps - The new world order
D-generation creeps - The new world order
D-generation creeps - The new world order
For 25 years the world left to misery
Spreading the disease
The body, the soul, the face
The skin, the thought, the race
The blood, the faith, the place
The art of discriminating
It goes on and on and on
So welcome to the light
You next generation newly born
So many times I've tried to wash away
All those years passed in pain
How frail I've found the balance of existence
With bloody letters, my dear, you have written in...
Feed me once more with your smuggling words
Insincere, not a liar, there's a difference between
Give me another fix of your reassurances
A change has occurred in my weltashauung
Pain in life comprehending
Alone in apathy descending
Left to face another ending
With bloody letters
It has been written in my flesh
It's written in flesh
It has been written
Written in my flesh
Speak to me but mind my naked nerves
The flesh has been scraped by the friction of experience
Mr. Ego is knocking on perception door
Calculating the right time to get out of the scene
No pain anymore
Pain in life comprehending
Alone in apathy descending
Left to face another ending
With bloody letters
It has been written in my flesh
It's written in flesh
It has been written
Written in my flesh
Holding the line
Grasping the sign
Biding my time
Facing the lies
How could I have been pretending that I was so near?
With that weight carried on my shoulders
Peacefulness could never be reached
Again and again and again the pain
So push your knife a little deeper
In spite of all we've been told
We have found that behind there's nothing more than nothing
In the thoughts of God how are we considered?
Flesh or meat?
Pain in life comprehending
Alone in apathy descending
Left to face another ending
With bloody letters
It has been written in my flesh
It's written in flesh
It has been written
Written in my flesh
It's written - Written in flesh
It's written - Written in flesh
It's written - Written in flesh
It's written - Written in flesh
It's written - Written in flesh
It's written - Written in my flesh
Caught under siege
The edge has been passed
Step by step
A promise of demise
Slowly takes its course
Storming the walls
Of my mind
Death Warranty
Death Warranty
Death Warranty
We try
To omit - to deny
We cast away our lives
Our destinies
Consumed by time
Of atheism
The sharpest ever been
Making a way
Through my heart
Death Warranty
Death Warranty
Death Warranty
Something called faith
The easiest way
To stand ahead of the void
Settled since birth
Our life in the hand of a god
Eternal life
We regret and the judgement we wait
Empty skies
Filled up with heroes and saints
Thousands lies
In the pages to preserve ourselves
From the void
From the expanses of nothing
With rage
My head raised up to the sky
For years
In my coscience has crawled a lie
The time has come
The jaws of death are open wide
No warranties
But one: the end will be our bride
Death Warranty
Death Warranty
Death Warranty
Lifetime Guarantee!
In the eyes of a muslim
I am definitely a kafir
I admit it is true
I'm not fond of anything is Islam
The word itself, in the first place
Means submission to god
Why should the world be subjected to the law of any god?
Blind faith is not for me
No commandment to believe
I don't care the prophet's name
It could be Muhammad, Abraham or Jesus the Christ
I don't discriminate
They discriminate
Each one with the revelation at hand
There's not greater sin than rejecting their god
There's no god than their
The truth revealed
There's no truth than their
Bad faith concealed
There's no faith than their
Sentenced without appeal
There's no verdict than their
Lapidate her!
Lapidate her!
That's not justice
It's violence
That's not law
It's deprivation
That's not tradition
It's misogyny
That's not religion
It's just ignorance and backwardness
Al-Bassir, did you foreseen this?
The world needs no god
It's time for you to cease
You and your laws to become history
Leave your place to something better to believe in and to be inspired by
I reject your view of god
I reject your thought
I reject your view of the world
I reject you all
Allahu akbar
Allahu akbar
Allahu akbar
No more
The world has arrived to a crucial point
Future or past? Make now your choice!
Nothing is denied to those ones who dare
Raise your head against this heritage
Hands off Cain
No one should ever claim
To tell apart the good from the bad
So hear the Banshee Scream
Feel throughout your skin
I'm not denying our ancestral need
To feed the vengance, to purify the breed
I know that nature is dog eat dog
I'm only stating that we can buck for more
Hands off Cain
No one should ever claim
To be a judge among other men
So hear the Banshee Scream
Feel throughout your skin
I'm the betrayer of the gods
The one that will not
Support the sacrifice
In ignorance
Reigns the distorted idea
That eye for an eye
Means justice for all
I have the strength to say no!
Hands off Cain
No one should ever say
Capital punishment is the price to pay
Un tempo che è stato e mai più tornerà
Antichi timori, l'ossessione del male
Un dio epurato con sofismi e ragione
Nascosto nel buio si ciba di noi
Signore del Tempo nella tua crudeltà
Con una mano concedi, con l'altra prelevi
La carne per te è come creta e argilla
Scultore diabolico dell'esistenza
Strappando gli occhi, strappando la lingua
La tua religione è la dottrina del male
Giudice - Carnefice - Signore del Tempo
Con trielina sbiadisci i più intensi ricordi
Su una tela consunta ne confondi i colori
Di corvini riflessi ricopre il tuo tratto
Ogni sfuggente speranza di perpetuità
Signore del Tempo nella tua empietà
Col tuo aspersorio irrori veleno
Ogni giorno una goccia di acido cade
Bruciando la pelle, la carne, l'anima
Strappando gli occhi, strappando la lingua
La tua religione è la dottrina del male
Giudice - Carnefice - Signore del Tempo
Accostando l'orologio all'orecchio
Sento il rumore dei tuoi passi
Giudice - Carnefice - Signore del Tempo
Born on the first year of the human race
Grown up in the dark
And fed on with the hate
For the good
Killing birds
Riding tridents
And building up my life
With hate for never felt love
Darkened mirrors reflect the dark side of my soul
Water mirrors sinking galleons of feelings
Enslaved by beauty
The beauty of destruction
Here is my army
And here is my lady
Halved worlds
Wasted worlds
Compromised worlds
By my fire brand
Seven worlds with seven names they are my commandments
Seven worlds with seven names they are my commandments
"Includendo nuovi fati, comprando nuove anime
Nella solitudine della mia oscurità
Riesco a sorseggiare del vino rosso-sangue dei miei sudditi
Ma la mia pura anima ghermita ha ancora fame"
"Altre anime parteciperanno al banchetto
Sacerdoti attizzano il mio fuoco
E ciņ in cui credo mi e innanzi
fluttuando tra le fiamme"
Wasted worlds
Redeemed worlds
Maidens stolen from their mothers
And my kingdom shall fall
Not a word will be wasted for that's happened